i've recently clipped and cut my fingernails super short and now all i wanna do is a little progressive dot dot dot painted right on top. photo: bymico
this is currently my preferred answer to, well, everything. and it doesn't hurt that it's plastered on a neon sign, amirite? photo: muffy takes manhattan
i'm all about the face, 'bout the face. specifically if it a rosy pretty pink cheek and a bright blood red lip. so so very into it. photo: becca stadtlander
if you think about it, it'd be over in a minute. just taking the clippers and buzzing it here and here, then a li'l buzz cut'd appear. photo: pixie cropped
in a foiled and gold beanie'd cap. and i like it like that. and would like to do it again. and again. in silver and in gold, my friend. photo: chain candy
i'm currently all about the summer of the brighty bright lip, and when it's got a golden-y little smudge on top of it? i'm (soooo) all in. photo: livingly
i've gotten more than a wee bit bored with my current nail sitch. but i bet i'd get excited if i had specks like this. photo: thoughts specks & keepings
at least that what i'd liked to be called if i were (even close to being) lucky enough to sport a li'l shoe this tasseled and fabulous. photo: ulla johnson
i don't think it's possible to even try to attempt to relay to you how desperately i want this girl's ensembled silky ruffled piece à la two. photo: bazaar
soooo obsessed with this skirt à la silvery pleat that i had to post multiple pics and shots to make sure to get my point across. photo: department chic